Mahadhan Solutek Grape
- There are 3 stage specific products especially for Grapes crop known as Mahadhan Solutek Grape
- These products are 100% water soluble and used in fertigation.
- The products have low pH and they are chloride free.
- The products can be used in both, April and October pruning cycles.
April Pruning cycle
Product | Composition | Crop Stage | Time of Application (Days after pruning) | Quantity (kg/ac) |
Product 2 | 6:34:17+TE | Vegetative & Cane Development | 10-65 | 70 |
Product 3 | 6:00:37:16+TE | Cane development & Maturity | 66-95 | 40 |
October pruning cycle
Product | Composition | Crop Stage | Time of Application (Days after pruning) | Quantity (kg/ac) |
Product 1 | 15:28:06+TE | Vegetative growth & Flowering | 07-35 | 40 |
Product 2 | 6:34:17+TE | Berry setting & Berry Development | 36 – 85 | 60 |
Product 3 | 6:00:37:16+TE | Veraison & Harvesting | 86 -120 | 40 |
- It contains N,P,K , secondary & micronutrients as per the crop & their stage wise requirement.
- It is a crop & stage specific customized nutrition solution.
- It fulfils all essential nutrient requirements at different stages of Grapes crop.
April pruning cycle
- Balanced & healthy vegetative growth
- Uniform cane development
- More cane girth
- More no. of nodes & less internodal length
- Uniform cane maturity
- More no. of fruitful buds
October Pruning cycle
- Balanced & healthy vegetative growth
- Profuse flowering
- Higher berry setting
- Uniform berry development
- Higher lustre on berry
- Higher TSS
- Incremental yield (+15-20 %) with exportable quality.