Mahadhan Combi (Guj)

(Chelated Micronutrient Fertilisers)
  • Mahadhan Combi (Guj) contains Cu @ 0.2%, Fe @ 2%, Mn @ 0.5%, Zn @ 5%, B @ 0.5%
    Suitable for drip and foliar application.

  • Mahadhan Combi (M.S.) contains 1% Cu , 2.5% Fe, 1% Mn, 3% Zn and 0.5% B. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
  • Mahadhan Combi (Guj) contains 0.2% Cu, 2% Fe, 0.5% Mn, 5% Zn and 0.5% B. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
  • Mahadhan Fe EDTA contains 12% Fe. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
  • Mahadhan Zn EDTA contains 12% Zn. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
  • Mahadhan DOT ( Di Sodium Octa borate Tetra Hydrate) contains 20% B. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
  • Mahadhan DTB ( Di Sodium Tetra borate Penta Hydrate) contains B @ 14.6% B. It is suitable for soil application
  • They enhance the availability of micronutrients to crops
  • They increase nutrient use efficiency of crops
  • They induce tolerance to pests and diseases

  • With improved crop quality and higher crop yields, farmers earn more from their farming
  • Farmers can use them in a wide variety of crops, both in plantation and field crops

  • Fruit crops and vegetable crops

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