SMARTEK is our patented coating technology. The application of SMARTEK fertiliser helps in developing the healthy root system, which will subsequently help in efficient uptake of nutrients.
Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate contains Nitrogen and Phosphate in 1:1 ratio and hence suitable for crops having fertiliser recommendation in 1:1 proportion
Contains 20% Nitrogen. Of this 90% of Nitrogen is present in Ammonical form and the rest in Amide form. However, the entire Nitrogen is available to crops in ammoniacal form
Contains 20% Phosphate, 85% of which is present in watersoluble form and is effectively and easily vailable to crops
Contains 13% Sulphur, which is the 4th major nutrient after NPK.
Granular in nature and can be easily applied by broadcasting, placement or drilling
Hygroscopic nature is much less and it is suitable to a variety of soils and crops.